Club Information

Newcastle Harness Racing Club Ltd is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. The Club’s Constitution sets out its principles, purpose and rules & regulations. The overseeing body as appointed by NSW Government Legislation is Harness Racing NSW.


NHRC Board of Directors

Chairman: Daryl Rodgers

Deputy Chairman: Peter Payne

Directors: Shane Barclay, Kym Carpenter, Tom Davies, Ian Lowcock, Darren Reay, Peter Witcom


Executive Management Team

General Manager:
Kim Treweek [email protected]

Finance Manager:
Mark Petersen [email protected]

Marketing & Business Development Manager: 
Jane Hextell [email protected]

Events, Marketing and Administration Coordinator: 
Grace Rothfield [email protected]


Life Members

Norm Williams (dec), Linda Reynolds (dec), Jim Bell, Tony Halpin, Bill Tomlin (dec), John Potter (dec), Arthur Harrison, Cheryl Neilson, Yvonne Heaton (dec), David Carpenter (dec),  Pam Tomlin, Colin Screen, Lawrie Carpenter (dec), Eric McGaughey (dec), Glenn Frew.

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